

I think I'm going to fall asleep, but wait...

Yo, readers! This is my first English post in the last two months (maybe?). I've been busy being myself as usual and one of this me thing is a "from women to women" exhibition named Brangerous (I gave a spoiler in this month's first post, please move your cursor to the right side and search it by yourself, you're on your own.). The exhibition has been starting from 12th October and it takes place at c2o Library.

Those pictures are taken by Erlin Goentoro, I was too princess-y to walk around and take pictures. If you want to take a look closer, to my picture, here we go... (again)

The title is Liberate Yourself and I think you can guess why. I'm not gonna go too long for this post. I'm still kind of sweaty now. I've just come back home from tutoring English. For your information, I'm such a really good teacher and a fierce woman. Thus, a really good teacher and a fierce woman would teach you to be a gorgeously fierce good teacher who happens to be a woman  like this ...


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