


Saya baru mengenal dia kira - kira setahun lebih yang lalu. Setahun yang membuat kita lebih dekat daripada sekedar kenalan.


Evening Tea Talk With White Shoes and The Couples Company

The air that evening was unpleasant, the night was bright, yet there were no breeze to keep us mild. The gig was going too late from the schedule, yet the people are so patient to see WSATCC and some bands, such as like Alepak that lenghten the night. At 7.30 or 8 p.m, eventually WSATCC sat on the small "stage" and held an intimate gig at c2o Library last Saturday. They shared a bunch of stories behind their newest EP, tours and how they make their own newspaper or zine, they made us dance, they made us want to see more of them.

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